Focus 2023 Boao "Belt and Road" Sports Fighting Industry Sub-Forum to build an "Industrial Development Community" in the name of sports

       "Village BA" "Village VA" "Village Super" "Village Boundary Cup"...... Since the beginning of this year, the distinctive "village" prefix sports events have frequently been popular "out of the circle", stimulating the new vitality of rural revitalization.

       On November 28, the fourth Boao "Belt and Road" Global Financial Conference · Sports Fighting Industry Sub-Forum was held in the Dongyu Banquet Hall of BFA International Conference Center, and the "agricultural and physical integration" walked out of a new way of rural revitalization and "chain" out of a new pattern of industrial development community.

2023 "Belt and Road" sports fighting industry sub-forum

       The sub-forum focused on topics such as how sports events can empower the development of local cultural tourism, the feasibility of the development of sports events enabled by Internet finance, and the horizontal reference for the development of overseas sports events. Through keynote speeches, roundtable forums, star interaction, strategic signing and landing signing, the sub-forum discussed the value, dilemma and strategy of the development of sports events under the background of the "Belt and Road".

2023 "Belt and Road" Sports fighting Industry Sub-forum Roundtable Forum

2023 "Belt and Road" sports fighting industry sub-forum star interaction

       The "Pepper King" World First Class Boxing Championship jointly created by Hainan Satellite TV and Search Group has started a new chapter in the integrated development of "agriculture + sports" since October 6 in the gymnasium of Hainan University.

At this sub-forum, Jiang Kaihong, co-founder of Pepper King Fengyun, launched an in-depth dialogue with industry experts and enterprise elites with the theme of "Brand promotion and planning of 'Pepper King Fengyun'".

The new model not only provides an important platform and opportunity to promote the healthy development and innovative cooperation of China's sports fighting industry, but also attracts more viewers and sponsors' attention.

2023 "Belt and Road" sports fighting industry sub-forum strategic cooperation signing ceremony

2023 "Belt and Road" sports fighting industry sub-forum landing signing

       It is reported that representatives of enterprises and institutions covering agriculture, fighting industry and finance signed intentional cooperation agreements on the spot, and four "Pepper King Fengyun" international fighting competitions will be held successively in Yingshan, Sichuan, Dazhou, Jilin, Lanzhou, Gansu and other places in December this year and the first half of 2024.

       Nongteyou entity enterprises "hand in hand" the world boxing movement, jointly build a community of destiny, a community of responsibility, and an industrial development community with agricultural and physical integration and cultural inclusiveness, and contribute more to the high-quality development of the global economy.


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