【 Search 】 Food consumption changes, why can agricultural products become the protagonist of explosive money?

November 9, 2022

Xuanhan Hu home store

The outdoor group building started less than two hours ago

Chuanchi beef jerky orders exceeded 1.8 million

We are still buying more and more...

"Consumption upgrading" is a hot topic in recent years. With the increase of national income, consumption patterns are facing comprehensive transformation and upgrading. Low-end consumption and mass consumption will be replaced by health consumption, high-end consumption and personalized consumption.

Under the general trend of consumption upgrading, why can "Chuanchi beef" become the protagonist of popular consumption?

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Over the years, Sichuan cuisine food and agricultural products store each other outside and inside, promote each other, together out of a marketing to promote production, to produce agriculture characteristics of the development of the road, played the Xuanhan agricultural county "concerto". Especially to Sichuan famous brand products "Chuan Chi brand" beef products as the leader of the famous special agricultural products, through the agricultural products store fame inside and outside, into thousands of households, become the people on the table worthy of the "star products".

Chuan Chi beef store, or agricultural products store Chuan Chi beef counters, delicately packaged agricultural products neatly displayed in the showcase, attractive. It shows the infinite scenery of the development of modern agriculture in Xuanhan, and also shows the vivid miniature of the famous and special agricultural products of Xuanhan, "Shuxuan Hua Niu". Many people are attracted by the product, stop from time to time or into the store, pick up the product.

Xuanhan is located at the junction of Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hubei. It has rich culture, rich resources and superior natural endowment of agricultural production. Good water, good soil and good ecology have made Xuanhan agricultural products green, organic and safe.

In the past ten years, Xuanhan stable development of agricultural production, to ensure the effective supply of agricultural products, actively create "Shuxuan flower cattle" "Xuanhan crisp plum" "Xuanhan peach blossom rice" and other advantages of the characteristic industry, to promote the high quality development of green agriculture, a number of distinctive characteristics, ecological green agricultural products brand with the bridge store, is going to strive out of the mountain, sold all over the country.

Build the "Golden Bridge of Production and Marketing" and step on the "Road of transformation and Upgrading"

"Cooperation with agricultural products stores, cooperation with agricultural products information service platform... With the strength of multiple resources, our Shu Xuan Hua cattle really went to the national market." Speaking of the store omni-channel operation mode to expand the role of high-quality agricultural products sales market, the person in charge of delicacies food experience deeply, in his opinion, the store has set up a national high-quality agricultural products to a larger market "golden bridge", is an important carrier to help famous special agricultural products "go out".

Now, in the promotion of its "Chuan Chi brand" beef products to go out at the same time, delicacies food also in the group multidimensional enabling, grasping agricultural development opportunities, constantly strengthen enterprise construction, step on the road of industrialization transformation and upgrading.

Under the help of the financial services of the green financial service of the search group, the delicacies are supported by the high-quality agricultural products Shuxuan Hua cattle, creating a whole industry chain of food consumption enterprises integrating primary food materials, secondary food and tertiary catering, and striving to build "Chuanchi beef" as the base of the industry and the source of wealth for the people.

At the same time, delicious food will play the leading role of leading enterprises, constantly radiate the high-quality development of surrounding industries, lead farmers into the development of modern agriculture, and promote the sustainable development of high-quality agriculture and sustainable income increase of workers.


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